Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Chapter 7 - Front Porch

Before commenting on Chapter 7, I thoroughly enjoyed reading Allan Hunt's "confession".  It was honest, refreshing and similar to Scott Hahn's conversion story in many ways.

With that said, it was most interesting that Allan began his presentation with the importance of "front porches"... a convenient setting to get to know one another.  He then tied that to Christ's desire that His followers be perfectly one.  Being a "cradle Catholic", it is my firm belief that God created one church and that means one truth, one theology etc. Logically, there cannot be more than one truth despite those who promote truth as individual or changing. Thousands of Christian denominations all having different theologies or different "truths". A good nun friend of mine often remarked that God must say to Himself "look at what man has done to My church"!

We humans have constant battles about the meaning of documents such as the constitution. What did its authors really mean? What is constitutional?   

We need to remind ourselves of the gift of oneness...one truth which comes from God regarding our Catholic beliefs. How blessed we are.  We must keep in mind that "cafeteria catholics" have infiltrated the one true Church and that is not much different from how the many protestant denominations developed over time.

Allan Hunt relates his experience oneness in attending a Papal teaching at the entrance to St. Peter's Basilica with 20,000+ pilgrims from all over the world. He saw this as the "front porch" to the world. Hunt's journey home to Christ's real Church obviously was given to him because he sought the truth and the Holy Spirit provided the grace to make it all happen.


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